29K Advises You To Define Relationship Values To Create Lasting Connections With Friends

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Online psychological health specialist 29K releases a report called, “How to Build Healthy Relationships?” 
The guide puts effective communication at the heart of building and maintaining healthy relationships.
You will learn that understanding your own and the other person’s values and needs, effective communication, and commitment to each other are the cornerstones of any partnership.
Relationships are not only about expressing what you like or dislike to your partner but setting and communicating boundaries in a respectful way.
When there is miscommunication, couples or friends who want their relationship to flourish and develop over time need to approach the issue with care.
You and your friend must try to close that void by talking to each other in a calm way without sounding accusatory and assuming you know what the other person is thinking.
For effective communication to exist, friends or partners need to know necessary, though sometimes uncomfortable, things about each other to build trust, the authors say.
Go to the link in the description to find out more!


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