360 Wellness Hub now Offers Child Psychologist Services in Kuala Lumpur

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360 Wellness Hub now offers child psychology services to address common pediatric mental health disorders, such as ADHD and anxiety.
To explain the new service, the center also released a report that discussed the importance of early detection in treating common pediatric psychological disorders.
You are encouraged to speak to a child psychologist as soon as possible if you notice your child being unusually withdrawn and quiet or constantly lashing out at simple things.
360 Wellness Hub hopes to help you resolve and detect various mental health conditions in children.
Recent data released by the National Health Morbidity Survey (NHMS) found that one in 20 children in Malaysia aged five to nine show signs of a mental disorder.
Unfortunately, parents dismiss early warning signs as “children being children” and do not immediately consult with a child psychologist.
360 Wellness Hub now offers psychological assessment and various types of counseling and psychotherapy for children.
Click on the link in the description to find out more!


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