360 Wellness Hub Offers Marriage Therapy Sessions For Struggling Couples

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Fight. Fight. Fight. Nag. Nag. Nag. Every couple has arguments, but this particular rough patch seems to be never-ending – and you and your partner can’t seem to find a way out.
Don’t go it alone. Enlist the help of one of 360 Wellness Hub’s marriage therapists.
Created for married and co-habiting couples who are struggling with conflict and dissatisfaction, the sessions are provided by experienced and qualified psychotherapists.
You can choose online or in-person sessions, and may partake in group therapy if you’d prefer.
Each session is focused on helping you resolve recurring arguments. A counsellor will support you in talking through your issues and reaching a resolution that suits you both.
In each hour long session, you’re shown how to process and articulate your emotions and communicate your needs to your spouse.
You will also learn how to understand your behaviors and reactions and find more effective ways of behaving and communicating
Go to the link in the description to find out more!


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