Are you giving in to the disease of addiction because – despite all your best intentions – you think there’s no realistic hope for getting better?
Call Icarus Behavioral Health – you might be surprised by what’s available to you with or without insurance coverage.
Both addiction and mental health are still stigmatized, despite the progress made in recent years. Even rehab gets a bad rap. We understand.
Unfortunately, the idea that it’s all “your fault” only makes matters worse.
But you do have a choice now. And you can choose to be free of drugs and alcohol with our help and support.
Icarus Behavioral Health, which offers substance use disorders and mental health treatments, has published a guide explaining your options for insurance coverage.
Their report shows you and your family how to find and use insurance coverage for rehab – and the many ways that it can help pay for costs.
Click on the link in the description for more information.
Albuquerque Addiction & Mental Health Custom Treatment Specialists Offer Guide To Insurance Coverage