Atlanta Eye Surgeon Offers Blepharoplasty Surgery With Minimal Recovery Times

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Trying to decide if eyelid surgery is for you? This experienced surgeon has all the answers – and if you decide to work with him and his team, you’re in good hands!
Dr. “Harvey” Chip Cole, III, MD, FACS, is now sharing essential information on blepharoplasty.
While the procedure is very common, its benefits and risks can be misunderstood.
“Blepharoplasty can be performed on healthy patients with excess skin folds around the upper or lower eyelids,” explains Dr. Cole.
“This excess or loose skin causes cosmetic problems and may even obstruct your field of vision.”
“Our procedure can also address under-eye bags and puffiness that prevent men and women from feeling confident and enjoying life to the fullest.”
Learn more at
Get in touch with Dr. Cole today at 404-256-1500!


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