Audio Routines Form Daily Habits: Great Marketing Opportunity For Brands

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If you’re like most people, you listen to podcasts while doing other things. Some use it while exercising, while others like to use it as background noise while working.
This provides a great opportunity for advertisers, as explained in Voices’ 2023 Annual Trends Report.
The report suggests that 2023 will be a milestone year for audio advertising.
With more people listening to podcasts as part of their daily routines, now is the best time for your brand to leverage audio platforms like Spotify to improve its authority.
The report highlights that the shift to this medium is mainly triggered by the convenience of audio experiences.
Unlike television, movies, or traditional advertising that requires you to stop and focus on what is written, audio advertising can be listened to while doing other tasks.
Further, more people now prefer listening to a podcast while performing different actions, such as exercising or doing household chores.
Read the report by visiting the link in the description!


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