Avrio Provides Cutting Edge Technology Non-Invasive Embryo Testing Services In NY

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Are you interested in the study of reproductive endocrinology and embryology? Are you ready to find out about the latest advancements in these fields?
New York-Based fertility company Avrio Genetics has recently launched a non-invasive embryo testing method.
This new method seeks to allow patients that require in vitro fertilization a safer alternative to the existing invasive measures.
It also aims to introduce a more affordable way to test embryos for the fertility industry.
This new method utilizes non-invasive PGT-A embryo screening that doesn’t disturb the embryo and lowers the risk of it losing its viability.
The method will allow labs to have the results released in 24 hours and avoids losses and failures that could occur during testing.
Avrio Genetics aims to launch additional non-invasive embryo testing within the next six months.
Go to AvrioGenetics.com for details!


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