Bangladeshi-American Postcolonial Artist Has New Award-Winning Collection

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One of Chicago’s aesthetically and thematically boldest new art voices, Pritika Chowdhry, has completed an experiential new postcolonial collection.
Her new collection commemorates the end of the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War and features moving and visually evocative sculptural installations that serve as an anti-memorial.
Pritika Chowdhry has completed the collection ahead of Bangladesh’s Independence Day, which is marked on the 26th of March.
She is currently fielding inquiries from interested art curators and gallery heads like yourself.
Her latest mixed media collection is imbued with a distinctively post-colonial, South Asian and feminist sensibility and reflects her evolution as an experiential artist.
Pritika Chowdhry believes that the narratives of Bangladeshi remembrance exclude the experiences of women, who were, in many ways, both colonialism and the war’s greatest victims.
As such, her new collection serves as a counter monument bringing women’s hidden stories to light through her use of metal art, handmade paper, fabric, ceramics, glass, and more.
Click on the link in description to find out more!


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