Growing cover crops before winter or in the early spring can be a great way to fix the nitrogen and nutrients into the soil that your plants need to survive.
The soil in your garden is like a living organism – it must be kept healthy in order to support the crops that you rely on in the spring and summer.
True Leaf Market has exactly what you need to keep your soil nourished, and at a discount. Their new fall catalog is available now for home gardeners and hobbyists.
They are carrying alfalfa, winter wheat, cereal grass, and a huge variety of other cover crop mixes that you can plant in the coming weeks to ensure your soil stays healthy.
These late-season crops are typically low-maintenance and ideal for hobbyists or small-scale farmers looking to renew their fields before winter.
Aside from their nitrogen-fixing benefits, these crops also offer natural pest, erosion, and weed control for organic, non-GMO operations.
True Leaf Market carries organic, award-winning heirloom varieties of many different crops such as these. Specific labelling information is available on their website.
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