Best Business Card Alternative For Trade Shows: Transmit Contact Data With NFC Challenge Coins

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Gray Water Ops is offering a powerful alternative to the traditional business card, and you can order your own right away.
With their service, you can design your own high-quality custom challenge coins – a memorable, valuable symbol of your business that your potential clients are unlikely to forget.
They have even recently updated their design capabilities with new laser engraving tools, giving you access to an even wider range of design options.
You will now be able to submit complex designs in a variety of shapes and sizes, which the Gray Water Ops team will then convert into 3-dimensional enamel-faced challenge coins.
Their team also offers design consultation which you can take advantage of to create high-quality artwork, even with no prior experience.

The new design options also make use of the patented Gray Water Ops programmable NFC integration technology.
Overall, these coins are the ideal networking tool in a trade show setting and add massive value to any business interaction.
Click on the link in description to find out more!


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