Maybe you know the quote from Otto Lilienthal: To invent an airplane is nothing. To build one is something. But to fly is everything.”
Call BWI Aviation Insurance (800-666-4359) if you plan to get a Daher TBM. They understand1
The A+ rated aviation insurance agency has issued a guide on how to get the most affordable Daher TBM insurance coverage based on the owner/pilot’s flying profile and requirements.
While the Daher TBM 900 series is an especially safe line of single-engine turboprops, the firm recommends obtaining an aviation insurance policy that matches your risk exposure.
BWI Aviation recommends that owners spend as much time as possible practicing – and logging flight hours – on the plane model they intend to buy before purchasing insurance.
BWI Aviation recommends that you consider enrolling in Socata TBM aircraft insurance – Daher’s own dedicated program – and consulting with BWI on all your options.
Daher TBM planes are both thrilling to fly and very safe. But as you know, you can’t account for everything – and peace of mind is paramount when you’re up in the skies.
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Best Daher TBM Aircraft Insurance Policies For New Pilots: Legal Liability Coverage