Bio-Available Active Oxygen Facial Spray Dispels Cold Sore-Causing Bacteria

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Do you want natural relief from cold sore-related pain and irritation? Iamoxygen’s organic Rejuvenator spray can minimize signs and symptoms without relying on harsh chemicals!
The Rejuvenator was formulated based on research into how ozone therapies can be used to minimize the symptoms of cold sores by eliminating bacteria and soothing irritation.
The stabilized active oxygen concentrated into Iamoxygen’s facial spray disrupts the lifecycle of the sore-causing bacteria, minimizing blistering and aggravation.
The mist works by saturating your skin with pure, bioavailable oxygen, creating a highly-oxygenated environment that destroys the anaerobic bacteria related to cold sores.
Moreover, it can alleviate the discomfort the cold sore virus causes you due to its anti-inflammatory properties, as well as soothe any burning, tingling, or itching sensations.
As such, the Rejuvenator can help to restore your complexion after cold sores appear by improving your body’s cellular metabolism and renewal.
In addition to ameliorating the symptoms of cold sores, the Rejevenator’s cell-repairing capabilities can work to improve your collagen production, increasing skin elasticity.
Visit the link in the description to find out more!


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