Boost Your Brand Engagement By Utilizing Neuromarketing Techniques From This Agency

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Do you want your brand to better connect with your customers? Have you considered neuromarketing to create more meaningful brand experiences?
Neural Experience has been created by web and software development agency Jay Nine, Inc and successful digital marketing director David Baur-Ray.
The cofounders Jerry Nihen and David Baur-Ray are currently in negotiations with a well-regarded neurology expert to merge their expertise.
NX aims to take the user experience to a more human level by integrating a digital ecosystem of services that optimizes your brand’s digital touch.
As the economic downturn continues to have implications for global brands, connecting with your customers on a deep meaningful level is key.
NX is aiming to bridge the gap by integrating its team of trained neuromarketing experts, brand creators, copywriters, and software developers.
From branding to user interface, NX creates a deeper more meaningful experience that better connects customers to brands through open communication.
Visit today to create deeper more meaningful user experiences with your brand!


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