Boost Your Client Connections & Real Estate Leads With Customized Digital Business Cards

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As a real estate agent, have you ever given your business card out, but not heard from the client because they lost the card? Then you need a digital business card from mTap!
The digital business card solutions give you a competitive advantage by allowing you to quickly and easily transfer your details to prospective clients.
As an all-in-one alternative to physical business cards, the digital service uses NFC readers or a QR code to transfer all your details directly to a user’s phone or tablet.
Using the mTap digital business cards involves a simple ‘tap-on’ process, which passes over to your prospective client’s smartphone with a single tap of the card.
You can have your dynamic digital profile added to a customized business card for your daily carry.
Your digital profile can also be embedded in additional products, such as key fobs, magnets, table stands, and window stickers.
Make sure you never miss an important contact with mTap’s digital business card solutions for real estate agents!
Visit for more information.


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