Britive Innovates Cloud Identity Security With New Industry Partnerships & Product Development

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Cloud security has become an essential part of running a business. Especially when it comes to protecting your customer’s data, no expense should be spared.
Britive, in their mission to create a safer cloud-native security network for everyone, has been steadily building momentum over the past few months, and it is something to behold.
Their new partnerships make it easier than ever for a business like yours to establish a safer, cleaner data security system.
Britive has continued to expand their protocols to new areas of cloud computing, most recently partnering with Snowflake to improve their administrative permissions systems.
Improvements have also been made to the availability of their software, which is now available on Amazon and Microsoft platforms.
Britive’s mission has always been to build a safer commercial cloud computing ecosystem, and these new partnerships have allowed them to achieve that goal.
Even Microsoft and Google have taken notice of Britive’s explosive success, which means you can trust them to keep your data safe. 
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