Cave Drawing For The Space Age By Tim Chrisman, A New Look For Space

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The book is available through Amazon and is expected to become a big hit with people interested in space, but scared of the math.
There are few people alive today who have spent much time without there being humans in space.
Telling a child about going to space is talked about in the same way being President or a fairy princess is.
Humanity In Space sets its main focus on how humanity will live, work, eat, and party in space over the next 100 years.
Readers will likely find a particular interest in this book isn’t a science book, nor is it a work of fiction.
The book’s cover art was created by Tim Chrisman and Humanity In Space is being released by the author.
In a recent interview, the author made a point of thanking his kids, and his wife Katie for their part in making bad stories good
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