Whitesell Investigative Services uses innovative surveillance techniques to uncover deceptions in romantic relationships that may impact your legal and/or financial standing.
The agency is licensed by the state and holds multiple accreditations.
The private investigator offers ‘shoe leather’ detective work buttressed by digital forensics and asset investigation services.
They help you prove spousal infidelity or cohabitation relationships that violate state-mandated alimony arrangements.
WIS’ methods are also applicable to cohabitation and alimony cases, where the law accepts evidence that a couple periodically separates only to circumvent the 90-day requirement.
The services provided by WIS are in strict compliance with all applicable state and federal laws and never approach the legal definitions under the umbrella term of “harassment.”
Whitesell Investigative Services also offers private security services, criminal & corporate investigations – including intellectual property theft – and process serving.
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