Citriodiol® OLE Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus by Citrefine Repels Deer Ticks EPA Finds

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Citrefine Citriodiol® OLE Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus Repels Deer Ticks
Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (OLE) sold under the tradename Citriodiol® OLE by Citrefine International Limited (Citrefine),
repels deer ticks for almost 5 hours, study conducted for EPA submission shows.
Results from a new 3-species tick study show Citriodiol® OLE insect repellent provides 100% protection against deer ticks for an average of 290 minutes
The 30% concentrated spray formula, approved by the EPA, can be used on children of all ages.
Notable info about Citriodiol® OLE can be viewed by visiting:
As the temperature rises this spring, so does the appeal of going outside to connect with nature. This also comes with an increased prevalence of deer ticks.
Deer ticks are tiny hard-shelled arachnids that hatch in the spring and fall, feeding on humans, dogs, deer and other mammals.
Deer ticks can transmit Lyme disease which has symptoms ranging from a bulls-eye shaped rash, headache and fatigue to facial palsy, arthritis.
The CDC recommends wearing suitable clothing, such as long pants and socks, and a proven tick repellent when traveling into grassy or forested areas.
Families can now safely apply Citriodiol® OLE insect repellent to themselves and their youngest family members as they enjoy the great outdoors. Connect with us


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