Just hearing the word ‘Brazil’ can put a skip in your step. Your kids in the kitchen might ask ‘Hey, Mom, why are you swinging your hips?’ Safer to go straight to the coffee!
Go Fresh. Experience Boss Brew Coffee today!
Their Santos medium coffee from the Catuai and Mundo Novo varietals in Brazil produces an elegant, smooth cup with cocoa notes.
Boss Brew ships this fresh natural-certified and ethically-sourced roast, originating from the Parana and Sao Paulo region, to customers across the United States.
Grown at 750-1050 meters, this coffee is sun-dried and is pulped naturally to give a unique, pleasant, and especially flavorful taste to every sip.
It prompted one customer to remark: “Brazil Santos has an outstanding balanced flavor and is a must-try.”
With a climate very conducive to coffee farming, Brazil produces nearly 40% of the world’s supply – more than 55 million 132-pound bags of coffee for export worldwide.
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Coffee Bean Sourcing Specialists Offer 43 Varieties Of Single-Origin & Specialty Fair Trade Roasts