Commercial Surface Sanitizer Purifies Air For Healthier UK Event Venues & Offices

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Pure Clear Coatings is a certified applicator and distributor of PURETi UV air purification cleaning products for both indoor and outdoor use.
While we may be aware of the effects of outdoor pollution, harmful contaminants can be up to 10 times more concentrated indoors than outside.
Poor workplace air quality impacts staff health and productivity. Air pollution also causes over 6 million sick days per year according to the Royal College of Physicians.
PURETi Clean & Fresh both effectively cleans surfaces and eliminates harmful VOCs, tobacco smoke, pet odours, bacteria, viruses, and more.
In contrast to chemical cleaners, the child and pet-safe product utilises naturally occurring photocatalyst minerals to continuously clean the air.
The formula only needs to be reapplied every 3 months helping sustainability efforts by using less product and minerals instead of chemicals.
Pure Clear Coatings Ltd supplies PURETi products throughout the UK. PURETi won the iSCAPE project which aims to decontaminate European cities with photocatalytic technology.
Click on the link in the description for cleaner, healthier air today!


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