Daniel Bauer Introduces Bollingen Tower Education Leadership Event For Educators And Administrators

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Coach and influencer Daniel Bauer of Better Leaders Better Schools can help you do both and develop a Vivid Vision for your institution.
Better Leaders Better Schools has launched an education leadership event to help you find the time and space to renew your vision as an educator.
Daniel Bauer will lead 50 school leaders from across the nation in a transformational off-site coaching experience.
The event allows school administrators, school owners, and educators to unplug from social media, technology, and the daily grind.
The Bollingen Tower education leadership event covers leadership development in schools, goal setting and achievement, and soul enrichment.
Bollingen Tower is an event where education professionals can invest in rest and renewal of energy.
Coach Daniel Bauer hosts a school leadership podcast, blogs, and a private leadership community.
Contact Us At: https://www.betterleadersbetterschools.com/


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