Demystify and Activate your Pineal Gland – Mind Rewire Master class

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Pineal Gland In the News
Demystify and Active Your Pineal Gland
May 1
Park City Utah
Mind Rewire aims to Demystify the Mysticism of the Pineal Gland
This is an online master class that covers everything from science to technique.
Mind Rewires own Christy Mattoon Says “The Pineal Gland is just a small part of your brain that holds the keys to health and vitality and connects with higher vibrations and spiritual dimensions.”
You can upgrade your DNA, your thinking, the way you feel everyday, your state of health, and the way you look at life!
Clients from all over are reporting feeling better, doing better and breaking free from the restraints they learn from this world.
Demystify and Activate your Pineal Gland.
Follow the Links Below to get the course now.


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