Drug Abuse Prevention Guide: Tips On Self-Care & Coping By Aurora, CO Rehab Center

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Saying no to temptation is easier said than done. But with the help of your loved ones, your friends, and the staff at Pathfinders Recovery Centers, you can live a sober life.
The guide suggests maintaining a healthy home environment, finding ways to handle peer pressure, and practicing self-care as some of the ways you can keep addiction at bay. 
The guide provides you with actionable steps to maintain a healthy mental and social environment that will help you ward off the temptation of trying recreational drugs. 
The report was released as a complement to the recovery center’s complete alcohol and drug rehab and detox options.
Find the courage to say no or even ‘not right now,’ and break away from “friends” who encourage destructive or dangerous behaviors.
Coping with negative feelings is also essential to preventing substance abuse. Try safe coping mechanisms such as meditation, journaling, and exercise.  
The guide emphasizes that your social connections and loved ones being in your life are critical to arm you against the lure of addiction. 
Click on the link in the description for more details.


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