Easy Trending Event App Toronto 2022 | Best Bars, Nightclubs & Live Music For Students/Newcomers

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Twitter is pretty neat, it’s great being able to connect with people all over the world – but sometimes you just want to hang out with someone a little closer to home.
The OOt Social app has launched a beta version that is available for free on both Android and iOS devices, for users in Toronto, Ontario, and 80 other communities.
Use the live Social Map to see what events and offers are currently available in your area, and where other users with similar interests spend their time.
The beta version helps you find community hotspots and local events. As more users join, the developers will add discussion feeds, video reviews, and a friend finder. 
You can also find romantic partners through the app at a future date when a neighbourhood matchmaker feature is added.
Win prizes and top the OOt leaderboards by inviting friends, using special offers at local businesses, and joining communities that interest you.
You can connect with the world through Twitter, but to connect with your local community and people in your own neighbourhood – you need OOt Social.
Visit OOtSocial.com to learn more, or download the app for free from the app store.


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