Emerging Blue Creates The Best Work In-Store Teams In NYC: Reach Out To Find Matching Talent

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A good worker is hard to find, but the highly-qualified talent at Emerging Blue is certainly not hiding!
The recruitment specialists match you with permanent part-time staff to fill open roles in your retail locations.
They also provide you with a pool of candidates while also helping you accelerate the hiring process.
Emerging Blue provides highly qualified part-time staff for permanent positions at a competitive cost.
They help you fill various positions, including retail, merchandising & planning, product design & development, supply chain & logistics.
Emerging Blue also offers the full-time staffing and EB 360 service options.
This agency is a great place to start if you’re a job seeker or an employer in the fashion, home, or beauty industry.
Go to emergingblue.com to find out more!


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