Employee Law Group Expands Practice To Take On Redondo Beach Unpaid Wage Cases

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Redondo Beach, CA employment law attorney David A. Mallen and Employee Law Group have expanded their ability to handle unpaid wage cases.
The firm provides legal advice and litigation representation to workers who have been denied their rightful wages.
The firm also announced that firm Principal attorney David. A Mallen has been selected to be on the 2021 Southern California Super Lawyers list.
If your employer has forced you to work “off the clock”, manipulated your time cards, or deducted pay for your breaks, Employee Law Group can help.
The Torrance, CA firm’s practice areas include wrongful termination, sexual harassment, workplace closures, wage deductions, and severance negation.
Employee Law Group’s team of legal professionals will work with you to build a strong case and increase the probability of a favorable verdict.
Employee Law Group can help you win the maximum possible compensation for unpaid wages.
Visit employeelawgroup.com to schedule your free consultation today.


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