Eugene Eye Clinic Performs Cataract Treatment & Offers Monofocal Or Multifocal Lenses

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An estimated 24.4 million Americans over the age of 40 are affected by cataracts. The condition is caused by deterioration of the proteins in the lens of the eye.
Cataracts often develop naturally as a person ages, but the process may be exacerbated by health conditions like diabetes, eye trauma, or repeated unprotected exposure to UV rays.
Luckily, cataracts can be corrected with cataract surgery, which is one of the most common procedures performed at Pacific ClearVision Institute.
The clinic’s team of doctors will work closely with you and your primary eye care provider to determine whether you require surgery.
Pacific ClearVision Institute’s ophthalmologists then develop a treatment plan based on a careful assessment of your eye health.
The surgery is a non-invasive procedure that lasts approximately 10 minutes. The cataract is removed with ultrasonic waves, and the lens is replaced.

Additionally, Pacific ClearVision Institute offers a variety of options for the patient’s new lens, including multifocal lenses and lenses that correct for astigmatism.
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