Faith, and love are the major themes of this Reader’s Choice Award winning novel.

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What if a Healer could cure any disease with a laying on of hands but could also see the soul’s dark secrets
Olson’s award winning novel.
At first people are grateful for his healing, but soon his curse causes them to strike out
More details about The Vagabond Healer can be found at:
That thought soon led to the creation of Eddie Foster, the vagabond healer.
Since there are two sides to every coin, perhaps there was an opposite effect to the blessing of healing
In Eddie’s case it was the curse of seeing into the deep recesses behind the masks most people wear.
Is the power of goodness in Eddie’s gift strong enough to overcome the curse of darkness hidden in everyone?
The Vagabond Healer is a commentary on goodness and the angels that walk among us
Sweetly told, this earnest story is masterfully presented and leaves a positive lasting impression
His most powerful gift is the message, “Don’t be afraid to let people see your true self.”
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