Don’t be one of those traders who lost millions because they couldn’t remember their passwords.
Decentraland Wire has created a list of crypto wallets that are safe and convenient, so you never have to worry about losing your password, ever.
Did you know that around 18.5 million Bitcoins, equal to around $140 billion, are lost or stranded because the owners couldn’t remember their passwords?
Due to cryptocurrency’s anonymous nature, there are no built-in systems for password recovery. The only way for traders to access their accounts is by inputting their private keys.
Decentraland Wire emphasizes the importance of having at least one crypto wallet to ensure that your assets are safe.
Topping their recommendation list are Ledger Nano and Overbite, the former being a hardware wallet, and the latter being an app.
The report explains that hardware wallets are fully protected from cybercrime, as long as you keep the wallet on your person or in a very secure location.
Click the link in the description to find out more!
Find the Perfect Crypto Wallet: Decentralized Coin Storage with 2-Step Authentication