FTC Safeguards Compliance For NJ Auto Dealership: Get A Qualified Individual & Risk Assessments

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In May 2022, the FTC issued new guidance on the Safeguards Rule which requires auto dealerships to make certain improvements to their data protection systems.
Obviously, you can’t do that alone – even if you wanted to – because you need to have an expert acting as your Qualified Individual.
If you’re in New Jersey, 2Secure Corp is the one to call!
With 2Secure, you can implement the necessary steps before the December 9, 2022 deadline.
You’ll need a cybersecurity expert like 2Secure to address specific technical and procedural issues related to personal and consumer information protection.
Plus, you’ll also be saving a ton of money! Did you know that a single data breach could cost your business up to $14 million?
With 2Secure, you get an FTC compliance solution tailored to your business – and it won’t cost you nearly as much as non-compliance.
Check it out at 2secure.biz


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