If you’d like to inspire others with a deeper sense of meaning and purpose, you should become a Certified Practitioner in Spiritual Intelligence!
This new online secular brain training courses helps people integrate their intellectual, emotional and spiritual intelligence to maximise potential.
You need intelligence to get a job and empathy to perform in it. But SQ tells us the tune we need to play. IQ and EQ are merely the keys.
You will be able to deliver brain training courses as an online job coaching people how to activate spiritual intelligence and apply it to life skills
You will be able to train and coach people to activate the higher dimensions of their intelligence and make a powerful contribution to the world.
Brain training to integrate IQ, EQ and SQ is a journey not a destination. Stand by for a better quality of life, higher earnings and a job well done!
Contact Us At: https://spiritdeep.com/braintraining
Gain Brain Training Skills You Need To Become A Spiritual Intelligence Coach