Get A Certificate Of Distinction With NASM Exam Prep Course From This Atlanta GA Institute

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Do you want to become a successful personal trainer? Are you afraid to sit the Certified Personal Trainer Exam? If yes, then this is for you!
OnPoint Academy is offering an eight-week NASM exam prep course to help you earn a certificate of distinction along with your NASM CPT certification.
This course is being offered due to the academy being recognized by the NASM as its choice for giving students the tools they need to be successful.
The academy’s founder is Yano Anaya. Yano has almost a decade of experience in the field of fitness and has worked for several high profile clients.
He spent six months developing the curriculum and training staff for the Personal Trainer Program, admitted his first batch, and saw 99% pass.
The course allows you to work from home and in the field as you acquire the knowledge and experience you need to build a profitable enterprise.
It offers an internship that is akin to a hands-on mentorship that creates the opportunity for you to re-enforce your learning through application.
Click on the link in the description for more info!


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