Get Dermaplaning For Men In Seattle To Remove Vellus Hair & Enjoy Great Skin

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If you’ve made a resolution to treat your skin right this year, Penelope and the Beauty Bar can help you get started with their new men’s face, hair and body treatments.
Penelope and the Beauty Bar has new combined dermaplaning facials that have been designed to cleanse, rejuvenate and restore your skin, naturally.
The day spa recommends their dermaplaning sessions to you if you made a resolution to start a skincare regime this year, or if you simply want to take better care of your skin.
Because dermaplaning removes the vellus hair of your face—the fine and fluffy hairs that many men have covering their entire face—it improves the appearance of your skin.
Removing vellus hair also means that any products that are applied to your skin can penetrate more deeply, improving their ability to nourish, hydrate, and treat your skin.
Penelope and the Beauty Bar’s dermaplaning sessions will also deeply exfoliate your skin, therefore encouraging higher cell turnover and fresher, brighter looking skin.
Penelope and the Beauty Bar now also has their new Men’s Dermaplane Radiance Facial, which combines dermaplaning with a micro-current session for a soothed and toned complexion.
Click on the link in description to find out more!


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