Get Energy-Efficient TPO Flat Roofing Systems With Best Atlanta Commercial Roofers

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Colony Roofers is providing you with a durable energy efficient option for your flat roof. It’s called TPO and it is a single-ply membrane made of rubber and other synthetics.
As part of the roof replacement service, Colony Roofers clean and strip the roof of any pre-existing materials.
Once ready, they use large sheets of the single-ply membrane to cover your roof. These sheets are reinforced with scrim and secured using either mechanical or adhesive means.
TPO roofs provide you with many benefits. TPO is very strong and flexible, especially at the seams, which makes it resistant to tears, punctures, dirt, and mold.
TPO also has UV-reflecting properties, which keep your building cool through the warmer months, and lower energy costs year-round. It’s also highly adaptable.
Compared to PVC, TPO has a relatively low price point, yet it offers similar, if not better, energy efficiency and the ability to weld hot air, at a fraction of the cost.
To take advantage of Colony Roofers’ TPO services, you can schedule a no-obligation 30-minute inspection. They will assess your property and provide a free estimate.
Click the link in the description to find out more.


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