Get Fast MRI Scans For Back Pain & Sports Injuries With No Waitlist | Woodhall Spa Private Clinic

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Some patients have to wait up to 18 weeks for an MRI scan in the UK.

While your wait could be as little as 3 weeks, even that is too long when your injured.
It shouldn’t take so long to get the diagnostic scans you need, and it doesn’t have to – MSK Doctors’ Woodhall Spa clinic has no waitlist, and you don’t even need a referral.
They provide a unique combination of fast access to diagnostics, top musculoskeletal specialists, and innovative technology that is not available anywhere else in the County
Use their self-referral program to get your scans completed and assessed by top UK Certified Harley Street Specialist Musculoskeletal Consultant Radiologists, within a week.
You can even book an appointment to go through your scans slide-by-slide with a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon.
Are you injured but not sure what you need scanned?
No problem, just schedule a virtual pre-MRI consultation with the medical team.
If you’ve been injured, you shouldn’t have to wait months just to get a diagnosis.
MSK Doctors can help, all you need to do is schedule an appointment.
Visit or click the link in the description to learn more.


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