How many employees do you have?
10? 20? 100? 300?
Multiple that number by $26,000 – and that’s how much you could be eligible for in tax credits!
ERC Tax Group makes it easy to apply, and there are no strings attached – small and medium-sized businesses all over the country are already receiving rebates from the IRS.
Recent changes to the ERTC program have made most small and medium-sized business owners eligible and increased the maximum allowable rebates up to $26,000 per employee.
The fast rebate program helps employers to claim their tax credits with a minimum time commitment while guaranteeing them the maximum rebate for their business.
You can access a no-cost, no-obligation eligibility assessment on their website to determine if you qualify, just by answering 10 simple questions.
It’s totally free, only takes about 90 seconds, and doesn’t require any proprietary business information.
You may qualify for rebates even if you have already received loans through the PPP, have up to 500 W-2 employees, or operate a non-profit organization.
Visit or click the link in the description to learn more.
Get Maximum Pandemic Relief Funds For SMBs | Fast ERC Tax Credit Application & Eligibility Check