Get Power Diary Practice Management Software For Free Until February: Online Booking & Payments

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It’s a very tough time for the healthcare sector right now, and if you have your own clinic, your resources are probably being stretched like never before.
An exclusive end of year offer at Power Diary waives subscription fees until Feb. 1, 2023 for new accounts subscribing by Dec. 31, 2022, and offers 50% off for the next 6 months.
Book a free demo now!
Features include a powerful calendar that manages your client appointments and waitlisting and SMS and email communication to automate appointment reminders and confirmations.
You also get simple and secure telehealth video conferencing, customizable online intake forms, client records management, online booking, payments and invoicing, and much more!
As a secured cloud-based technology, you and your eligible staff members can access your system from anywhere, at any time.
Power Diary Practice Management software takes care of the things technology is best at while you focus on your patients and all the things technology can’t replace.
Click on the link in description to find out more!


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