Get The Best Sea Salt-Based Mouthwash With Natural Enzymes For Healthier Gums

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H2Ocean LLC provides science-backed, sea salt-based oral care products that naturally improve the mouth’s pH balance and promote healing.

The patented mouthwash formula combines unrefined sea salt with xylitol for increased salivary flow, and lysozyme – a natural antibacterial enzyme.
The product is fluoride, alcohol, and sugar-free and has been scientifically proven to reduce bacteria and improve oral health in multiple clinical studies.
H2Ocean LLC recently showcased its mouth rinse at the 2022 Greater New York Dental Meeting which demonstrated the latest dental technology advancements.
The company’s mouthwash has been peer-reviewed in 8 medical journals. It has been proven to facilitate healing and reduce bacteria levels in patients with gum disease, and more.
Hand-harvested from the Red Sea, H2Ocean LLC’s oral care rinses contain organic sea salt with over 80 trace elements and minerals. All of the company’s products are reef safe.
The dentist-recommended formula can be used by people with dry mouths, gum irritations, sore throats, and canker sores, after oral surgery, to support teeth whitening, and more.
To keep your smile in top shape, visit for more!


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