Get The Online Software Protection Services You Need With Penetration Testing

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The PenTesting Company (“TPC”) has recently launched its penetration testing subscription service. This service is restricted to current customers.
The newly launched model provides clients with a vulnerability management portal.
Once developers are confident that a vulnerability has been remediated, they contact “TPC” and the solution will be verified.
Web and Mobile testing professionals are retained by TPC and the testing is performed in-house.
Red Teaming and Network Penetration testing engagements are likely to bring in world-renowned SMEs and their respective firms (for instance PeopleSec)
For readers unfamiliar with Penetration Testing, PenTesters are good guy hackers that test your security and give guidance on remediation.
The result is a detailed report on the vulnerabilities along with easy to understand and actionable remediation recommendations.
Go to for more info!


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