Greenville’s Courageous Leadership Helps You & Your Business Succeed Reliably

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Are you a stakeholder of an established business struggling to grow?

We’ve been where you are:

– You don’t control the structure but need to succeed anyway.

– Spending on people and processes isn’t helping.

– You inherited a situation that everyone thinks is the “only way”.

– Strategy, development, and metric aren’t connected to each other, or don’t exist.

Courageous Leadership helps you and your company discover the next path, set the strategy, and execute it. We provide measurement and iterative refining to keep you moving forward.

Our 4T system lets you apply world class processes from the Fortune 50 to your business.

– TRUTH: Assemble an accurate and systemic analysis of where the organization is vs. its preferred future, and provide direct answers about how to close that gap.

– TALENT: Make sure you have the right people to make your strategy happen.

– TRAINING: Design and implement development programs so everyone is able and committed to achieving your strategy.

– TELL: Establish a new way for employees to communicate, decide, and act.

Courageous Leadership at a Glance:

– We’ve served 100 clients across North America, Europe, and Asia.

– 92% of our clients renew.

– We came out of Toyota leadership & global training positions.

– Our clients gain confidence that their company can win the future.

– Johnson Controls is our longest-held client (15 years).

– We are located in Greenville, and will most effectively serve clients from Charlotte to Atlanta


Q: How soon can I see results?

A: Quickly. We validate continuously as we go.

Q: How much disruption is involved?

A: We fit into what you can do now, as we figure out what the company SHOULD be doing.

Q: How much of MY time will you need?

A: We’re not going to become your second job. Instead, you’ll get more done in less time, and you’ll do less because other work will be properly delegated. Plus the scope of what we work on will be our boundary — we don’t overstep it or need more than we established.

Q: Private: Will this expose what I’m doing wrong in the business, or my weaknesses?

A: Only to you, and in a way that gets you to the results you want. Plus we mostly work with teams, so the team will see what needs to change — no individual is called out publicly.

Visit us at

Courageous Leadership
City: Greer
Address: 111 S Main Street
Website Courageous Leadership
Phone +1-864-416-1657


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