How Can Decision Making Improve My Health? Self-Improvement Tips For Adults

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29k releases a new report called, “How to Improve Decision Making?”
The new report was written by 29k’s chief psychologist, Jenny Rickardsson, and discusses why a lot of us struggle with making decisions.
Despite common perceptions, most people are not lazy with decision-making.
Instead, a lot of individuals tend to choose the easiest, fastest solution due to the evolutionary predisposition for survival.
This explains why some people fail the “marshmallow test” – the psychological assessment for delayed gratification.
According to the new report, you may struggle with delayed gratification because you may instinctively want to claim all resources before they run out.
While this evolutionary response was necessary in prehistoric times, this knee-jerk reaction may cause you to make ill-informed decisions in today’s world.
Click the link in the description to learn more.


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