Ryan Early, aka ‘Farmer Ryan’, is a sustainable farming expert and, frankly, ahead of the pack in producing pest-preventative fungicides, insect repellants and pet products that are free of chemicals, environmentally friendly and all-natural. The founder of Blue Green Ventures is leading the charge to modernize the industry, but by the same token, is revolutionizing it.
His company, Blue Green Ventures, in conjunction with Blue Green Earth Sciences™, have developed a groundbreaking product that serves as a non-toxic, eco-sustainable pest preventative and fungicide called Blue Magic Super Grow™. It is manufactured by way of a patent-pending pheromonal replication technology, BiomeMax®.
“I grew up on a small farm just east of Oklahoma City. I live and breathe farming and agriculture and was introduced to this industry from an early age, and I love continuing my passion on a larger scale. But, more than that, BiomeMax®Technology is the most pivotal point in human agricultural practices over the past century,” said Early. “This tech will completely change farming practices making it both ecologically and economically sustainable and reducing costs for everyone. I am excited to be at the forefront of this fundamental shift.”
BlueMagic SuperGrow™ is a microbiome fungicide that is all-natural and can essentially cut farming input costs in fertilizer usage because it promotes overall homeostasis. In fact, it has even been shown to increase plant growth rates by up to 30%, eliminate unwanted pests and flying insects, and keep them away!
The revolutionary and innovative product can also help feed the rest of the world. With an estimated over 10 billion people on the planet by 2030, now is the time to develop means for feeding the global population. If the Russian invasion of Ukraine proved anything, it is that one stoppage can mean hundreds of thousands of people can go hungry.
“Blue Magic’s Microbiome Replication Technology™ stems from the Lost Hemp Fields of Oklahoma, and the Heritage Genetics recovered in 2018 under a Key research program for the State,” Early stated. “The adaptation and evolution of these feral varietals formally over the world allowed a plant with these unique genetic combinations to thrive under inhospitable conditions, like those found in the nine microclimates in Oklahoma.”
The products at Naturals by Blue Magic’, all serve as fully-sustainable and eco-friendly products that are made in the USA, backed by Ryan’s patent-pending BiomeMax® Microbiome Replication Technology™. Replicating the pheromonal excretions produced by insects, the natural process that takes place warns other pests from danger and attracts beneficial predatory insects to crops as well. Having duplicated and thoroughly tested the process, the industry’s reliance on harsh and deadly chemicals is undoubtedly coming to an end.
Thinking outside the box has propelled Farmer Ryan to the front of the class. What he is accomplishing for all humanity is unprecedented, and he is pacing the global future in ensuring that the environment, crops, livestock, people and pets are all safe as a result.
“I think, as the next generation evolves, we need to learn how to adapt to the ever-changing world,” he said. “The landscape has changed immensely over the past few years, and it will take innovation, modernization and other forms of entrepreneurship to continue bringing new technological advancements to established industries of the 20th century.”
Blue Magic 8107 S I-35 Service Rd., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73149, United States
Website Blue Magic
Phone +1-405-604-0525
Email info@growbluemagic.com