How To Use Ginger Oil For Nausea? Best Inhaler & Roller Blend Recipes By Certified Aromatherapist

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Ginger essential oil is great for nausea and other digestive problems.
Read all about it in “Ginger Essential Oil for Nausea Plus DIY Blends & Recipes” by Certified Aromatherapist Jennifer Lane.
Aromatherapist Jennifer Lane explains how to use ginger essential oil to relieve nausea, vomiting, and other stomach issues.
She also gives you DIY ginger essential oil inhaler and roller blend recipes for nausea and upset stomach, respectively.
The oil can even be included in massage oil to improve circulation and relieve stiffness and pain.
Ginger can alleviate many different kinds of digestive upset, including motion sickness, indigestion, overeating, and cramping.
“Essential oils are great because not only do they make you feel good physically but mentally as well,” writes Jennifer Lane.
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