Implement Cloud Hosted Desktop Services For Security Of Work At Home Staff

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More than ever before, organizations are realizing the need for technology solutions that will guarantee their ability to operate remotely.
Technology Source offers a portfolio of cloud service providers for businesses interested in integrating a Desktop-as-a-Service DaaS or VDI solution.
Technology Source provides your business a streamlined approach to procuring services that allow employees to work in any location securely.
You may leverage the expertise of their in-house advisors in finding potential providers for cloud-based services, security and connectivity.
The advisors handle the proposal requests, eliminating the need for you to dedicate manpower to the research and negotiate with sales reps.
Sourcing as a Service model can reduce your sourcing timeframe from months via a traditional RFP process to only a couple of weeks.
You can also expect to get better results and lower rates made possible by the sourcing company’s volume and negotiated discounts.
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