Instant NFC Transmission Tool: Send Contact Info & Links Instantly With This Patented Coin

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Tired of handing out business cards at trade shows and conferences only to never get a call back?
As the business world becomes increasingly digitized, connecting with colleagues and customers can become more difficult if you operate more in the material realm.
Gray Water Ops has devised a solution to this problem in the form of the NFC challenge coin.
This technology allows you to instantly transmit your contact information to potential clients in a single motion, making them much more likely to contact you in the future.
Through NFC, these tokens can communicate with any compatible device to execute commands, send your clients relevant materials, or put your info directly into their contacts.
You can provide your own graphics and logos, or you can work with the Gray Water Ops in-house team of designers to create professional graphics based on your design ideas.
Gray Water Ops is renowned for its customer service and timely delivery – you can contact them today to get a quote and discuss this revolutionary technology further.
Find out more at the link in the description.


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