Internet Browser With Free Speech Built In | DuckDuckGo Alternative For Moderates

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Are you fed up with missing out on the news stories that matter to you because of Big Tech suppressing your favorite channels?
TUSK is the web browser you need to get curated news only from the platforms that matter to you!
Wave goodbye to shadowbanned content and artificially boosted left-leaning news – with TUSK, browsing the internet is a joy again!
You’ll only see what you want to see, making it the ideal app for moderates wanting a DuckDuckGo or Chrome alternative.
The web browser includes anti-censorship features and aims to give you more control over your web-browsing experience.
Rather than news and insights being dictated by algorithms that can be controlled by large tech companies, TUSK delivers unfiltered stories that are relevant to your interests.
It also offers great security. That’s because TUSK forces sites to use HTTPS where possible to add additional layers of protection!
Check out the link in the description for more info!


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