Invest In Waste Prevention Solutions With Green Technology Startup Trashless

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Everyday waste is a major cause of our planet’s climate crisis. Humanity simply doesn’t need to create so much of it. Trashless helps prevent waste.
From everyday essentials in zero-waste packaging; networks of reusable beverage cups & food containers; to helping lost personal items get back to their owners . . .
. . .Trashless’ technology, processes, products and services enable consumers, businesses, institutions & governments to measurably reduce the amount of waste created.
With the growing concerns about the future of our planet, you can show how much you care about climate change by being a part of Trashless’ new investment opportunity.
Just 10% of the estimated seven billion tons of plastic generated globally has been successfully recycled.
Billions of trees are cut every year to make paper cups, delivery boxes, and other single-use items that are used just once.
Saving the environment is a collective responsibility for all humans. You can play your part in a meaningful way by investing in Trashless’ practical solutions today.
Click the link in the description to learn more!


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