Ketone Monoester deltaG Helps Athletes Boost Endurance & Recover Faster

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deltaG provides a powerful fuel source to the body for sustained energy and longevity.
World class performers such as Formula 1 drivers, Olympians, and triathletes have used deltaG to achieve record-breaking performances.
A recent report from the American Journal of Physiology found ketone monoester products like deltaG enable athletes to achieve new levels of human performance.
If you’ve ever wanted to perform at top physical and mental condition, T△S Global’s deltaG product can get you there through increased oxygen to muscles.
deltaG, was created through research funded by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Project Agency’s metabolic dominance program.
The aim of the program was to discover a novel source of food that would enable soldiers to maintain their physical and mental performance over five days on a battlefield.
Scientists at the University of Oxford and the National Institutes of Health collaborated for ten years to create deltaG.
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