Ketones Energy Supplement Enhances Cardiovascular Health In Parkinson’s Patients

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A recent study published at The National Library of Medicine contains great news for Parkinson’s patients.
People who suffer from the disease took a ketones supplement before engaging in exercise, and the results are groundbreaking.
In conjunction with deltaG Ketones, scientists conducted the study to find out what effect, if any, ketones would have on the cardiovascular performance of Parkinson’s patience.
Without further ado, here are the main findings: Patients who took the ketones supplement were able to exercise for longer compared to those who did not.
Ketones are a natural energy source secreted by the liver and used by the brain when glucose levels become low during physical exercise.
For Parkinson’s patients, this is huge, because exercise has been shown to have positive effects on their symptoms, but the disease makes maintaining endurance difficult.
The study indicates that deltaG Ketones may offer a solution, helping patients improve cardiovascular health and overall fitness.
Click on the link in description to find out more!


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