Knoxville Low Back Pain & Sciatica Chiropractor Uses Zone Technique For Spine Alignment

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Is low back pain or sciatica preventing you from living a full life? Bell Family Chiropractic offers neck low back, and sciatica pain relief treatments using whole-body techniques.
Bell Family Chiropractic is one of only two chiropractors in Tennessee trained in the Zone Technique, which uses gentle tools to balance your brain and align your spine.
It focuses on six centers in your brain – the glandular, eliminative, nervous, digestive, muscular, and circulatory systems – & corrects any imbalances causing issues in your body.
Bell Family Chiropractic also offers traditional Y-Strap adjustment, which involves wrapping a strap around the back of your head and gently pulling in the opposite direction.
By doing this, your spine stretches out along the y-axis and your vertebrae decompress. This method can help with stress and tension in your neck, shoulders, and back.
For sciatica relief, they offer Dry Needling treatment, which relieves pressure by using thin monofilament needles to penetrate your skin and stimulate your myofascial triggers.
Bell Family Chiropractic’s team of certified chiropractors also helps with neck pain, migraines, headaches, pregnancy pain, pediatrics, sports injuries, and scoliosis.
Click on the link in description to find out more!


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